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Helping Organizations understand and leverage their greatest assets . . . .

Their Employees!!

Did you know . . .

92% of executives say soft skills are just as important or even more important than technical skills.

According to MIT management, the return on soft skill training can be as high as 250 %
85% of job success comes from excellent soft and people skills. 15% comes from technical skills
Although 97% of employers said soft skills are essential, a mere 37% of the same set of employers said their entry-level employees possess the necessary soft skills
Deloitte Access Economics forecasts that soft skill intensive occupations will account for two-thirds of all jobs by 2030

Orgpath’s innovative approach to “soft skills” and capabilities provides you insights to help your organization get ahead and lead in the “Future of Work.” We EMPOWER your organization to understand it’s areas of STRENGTHS & development and we can even show you’re your organizations HIDDEN TALENTS!

Better align resources to project and roles

Increase the diversity of thought in your organization

Future-proof your organization

Have better performing Employees and Leaders

Orgpath’s innovative tool let you focus on any area and department and understand their capabilities to help put you on the pathway to success. Learn more about your organization’s competitive advantage and areas that need to be developed. Ensure that your employees have the right skills to lead the organization into the future.

Get a view of where Your Organization’s competitive advantage lies & learn where the organization needs to develop to keep up and stay ahead

Pinpoint areas that can lead the organization into the future and others that need development to ensure that they evolve to meet market demands.

Pinpoint areas that can lead the organization into the future and others that need development to ensure that they evolve to meet market demands.

Bespoke Interactive Orgpath Insights Dashboards empowers the analysis of your information in any way you want
See a detailed understanding of key areas of weakness to target for development or areas of strength to leverage

See a detailed understanding of key areas of weakness to target for development or areas of strength to leverage

Dual-factor authentication, restrictions on information downloads and user assigned permissions ensure your
data is safe!